Bio-compost is an organic fertilizer produced through the decomposition of biological waste materials like plant residues, animal manure, and kitchen scraps using micro-organisms. This process enriches the compost with essential nutrients, making it an eco-friendly and sustainable alternative to chemical fertilizers.


  • BIO-Compost is a natural fertilizer made from decomposed organic materials.
  • It enriches soil with essential nutrients, promoting healthy plant growth.
  • Compost improves soil structure, enhancing water retention and aeration.
  • It helps to reduce the need for chemical fertilizers, supporting sustainable farming.
  • Using compost reduces waste by recycling organic matter back into the environment.
  • It is highly valued in agriculture for boosting crop yield and maintaining soil health.



  • Cow dung manure, also known as cow pats, cow pies, or cow poop, is a waste product from the digestive system of bovine animals like cattle, bison, yak, and water buffalo. It’s a rich source of nutrients and organic materials that can be used as a fertilizer to improve soil conditions for plant growth:  

    • Cow dung manure is high in nutrients, containing about 3% Nitrogen, 2% Phosphorus, and 1% Potassium (3-2-1 NPK).  
    • Cow dung manure is a natural organic fertilizer that can improve soil fertility and moisture retention.  
    • Cow dung manure can help plant health by  create conditions that promote healthy root growth.  
    • Water retention soils treated with Cow dung manure retain moisture more effectively, which can be especially beneficial in dry or arid regions


       Vermicomposting is an organic and biological process in which earthworm species are primarily used to convert organic matter or biodegradable wastes into manure. The produced vermicompost are rich in nutrition and thus, they are widely used as bio fertilizers in organic farming and sewage treatment plants.

​            Vermicompost is rich in NKP ( Nitrogen 2-3%, Potassium 1.85-2.25% and Phosphorus 1.55-2.25% ) micronutrients, beneficial soil microbes and also contain ‘Plant growth hormones & enzymes’. It is scientifically proving as ‘Miracle growth promoter & also plant protector’ from pests and disease.

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